Today’s advanced dental treatments and materials can give you a healthier, more complete smile that can last you a lifetime. Your Urbana, OH dentist, Dr. Wright, can help revitalize and maintain your teeth and gums, giving you the smile you’ve always wanted.
We offer a wide array of cosmetic and general dental services to meet your dental needs.
We want nothing more than to be your dentist of choice. Whether you need a simple procedure such as a cleaning or a more complicated, long-term procedures such as dental bridges, your Urbana, OH Dentist at Mack Wright, DDS are here to provide the comfort and care you need and are committed to dental excellence!
Cosmetic Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Our goal is to provide a family office environment that you are comfortable in and provide staff and services that make you comfortable while maintaining a healthy smile!
Please call us today to schedule an appointment at our Urbana, OH dental office.