Dental Hygiene


Dental hygiene should be as important throughout an entire lifetime. 

Even babies need good dental hygiene.  Until the first tooth comes in, the gums should be wiped with moist gauze to remove sugars and bacteria from the mouth.  At the first tooth, parents should start using a small soft toothbrush with a rice-sized dab of fluoride toothpaste.  A baby’s first dental visit should be at approximately one year of age.   Dental visits and cleanings should be every six months from one year on. 

A routine of brushing and flossing should be established twice a day, followed by an antibacterial mouthwash.  The toothbrush should be sized small or medium and easily reach behind the back teeth.  Every six months, the toothbrush should be replaced with a new one to prevent bacterial buildup.  If you are getting a professional cleaning every six months, you will receive a new toothbrush from Dr. Wright. 

Flossing is the most skipped part of oral hygiene.  Patients usually say that it is too difficult, although most all stores have floss sticks available now.  The sticks provide a handle to allow for better control and easier access to the back teeth.  An endless supply of floss sticks should be next to your toothbrush and toothpaste. 

An adequate oral hygiene regimen should also include six-month cleanings (prophylaxis) to remove any stubborn plaque from teeth and have an examination to identify any potential problems that need to be addressed. 

Dr. Wright is taking appointments for new patients.